Sunday Ritual

Hey guys! (íslenska) Sundays are a sacred staple in my routine, at least if I can help it. They’re my recharge days. I like to spend the day cozying it up, usually in pyjamas or other comfy clothes, trying to have as little social interaction as I possibly can. For an introvert like me it’s important…

What’s on my phone?

Hey guys! (íslenska) Happy Thursday, it’s almost the weekend! I got a new phone a few weeks ago, and I thought I’d share what I have on it. The phone I got is the Nexus 6P. The Nexus phones are made by Google in collaboration with a chosen phone developer each time, and for this…

August Favorites

Hey guys! (íslenska) Another month gone, and we’re coming into the best time of year in my opinion. Fall and winter are my absolute favorite seasons. As much as I love summer it doesn’t give me the tingling sensation I get in my stomach when I think about the cold months. There’s something so cozy…

A Weekday Getaway

Hey guys! (íslenska) It’s me again. Let’s not spend time on that this time. What’s new with me? I’ve stopped work, am back in Norway and have spent 2 weeks just hanging out and partying with the freshmen. It’s been freshers’ week for 2 weeks, and my classes haven’t even started, so I was doing…

Top 5(+) June Favorites

Hey guys! (íslenska) Look at that, I’m back again! Within a week! Aren’t ya proud of me? Yet another new month, yet another favorites. We’re half way done with the year!? That’s so crazy to me. This month’s been pretty great. I finished my first year of uni, moved back home for the summer, started…

Playful Summer Makeup

Hey guys! (íslenska) Didn’t I promise to be a better blogger? Have I been a better blogger? Not really. But at least I’m blogging now! I wanted to share this little makeup look with you today perfect for festival season, or, you know, a Tuesday afternoon. Right? Dewy skin, wild brows, dots and purple lips,…

Summer Haul

Hey guys! (íslenska) It’s been a while (again, I’m a horrible blogger). I’ve finished school, and then in one week moved back to Iceland for the summer, started a new job and went for a trip (which takes 6 hours each way) to see my extended family for a couple of days. In short, I’ve…

May Favorites

Hey guys (íslenska) Another favorites? Again?! This month’s been super busy at school, final deliveries of projects are coming up next week so it’s not over just yet. I also have to pack in the next week, because I’m moving back to Iceland for the summer. It wasn’t exactly planned, more of a last minute…

Skincare Wishlist

Hey guys! (íslenska) Lately my skincare routine has been a little lacking, and my skin’s been suffering because of it. It really shows you how important a good skincare regime is as soon as you lose it. So I thought I’d compile a little list of things I’ve been wanting to try and see how…

Everyday Spring Makeup Routine

Hey guys! (íslenska) Happy almost summer! Here it already feels like the greatest summer for me, as I’m used to sub par summers back in Iceland, where the temperature rarely goes above 15° Celsius (and in fact, those are the good summer days in Iceland), so I’m a happy little bunny these days, although school…

April Top 5

Hey guys! (íslenska) Happy first of May!(!!!!) *Insert cliché about time flying* but it’s TRUE. Time does fly! School’s going crazy and I can’t believe there’s just a month left of my first year at university. In 10 days a couple of friends are coming to visit us from Iceland so lot’s of stuff’s going…

Mood #3: if I were as cool as a rainy spring day

Hey guys! (íslenska) I’m here with another mood post for you! This one is dedicated to the long school hours and the spring weather which doesn’t seem to want to decide upon rain or sun. This is a collection inspired by rainy days, the spring, wishing I was at “Coachella” (because, yes, I am indeed…